Friday, April 15, 2011

Tattoos :popularity due to positive depiction in the media (second source)

the rock, athlete/ actor with tattoos

john mayer, musician with tattoos

Kosut, m. (2006). An ironic fad: the commodification and consumption of tattoos. Journal of popular culture, 39 (6), 1035-1048
The article An Ironic Fad explores the uprising of tattooing in American Culture, and how it rapidly became acknowledged as fine art. The media, specifically the entertainment industry is credited with reinvention the old critical view of tattoos and transforming it into a positive depiction. The author accredits three reasons besides media for the increase in popularity of tattooing, “the growth of the tattoo industry, and a new population of tattoo aficionados”. (Kosut 2006) Various types of celebrities that are notable role models showcase tattooing on their bodies; from actors, to athletes and even musicians. Our generation has become more susceptible to media influences which have allowed tattoos to flourish in popularity.
I agree with the author because as technology has increased it has enabled media advertising to improve and reach more Americans. The author uses several different scholarly books, newspaper reports, and journals from other notable professors, authors, and reporters. The author was very informative on the ethnographic methods and research she used to examine the upcoming trend of tattooing.

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