Friday, April 15, 2011

Tattoos: increase in tattoo parlors in malls

pacific ink tattoo, shop in a mall

tattoo nation, tattoo shop in a mall

Zimmerman, A. (2008, October 28). Tattoo Parlors Start Hitting Mall. Wall Street Journal - Eastern Edition. p. B5.
The article discusses the increase of tattoo parlors in American malls across the nation. Tattoo parlors are expanding rapidly in popularity among the younger generation as parlors are becoming seemingly easier to access and thus more convenient. Several tattoo parlors have infiltrated various malls and other locations where young people like to hang out. The profits for many tattoo parlors have increased significantly due to the opening of new locations in malls and the increase in popularity. Some tattooists are skeptical of the move into malls but many parlors have offered better benefits to ward off doubts of the success of the new locations.    

I agree with the article’s standpoint that moving into malls and increasing locations of parlors has contributed to the rising popularity of tattooing. I agree with this because the author examines more than one mall and more than one tattoo parlors so I think the statistics are accurate. The most common opposing position would be that to increase the popularity of tattoos the price would need to be decreased not the number of locations.

tattoo: evolution of tools and equipment

modern day tattooing gun

traditional Polynesian tattooing tool

Krcmarik, K. (2003).  History of Tattooing. Retrieved from
The website based on a graduate student’s research describes the history and evolution of tattoo machines, artistry and overall quality. Tattooing in traditional Maori culture was done using animal bone and advanced to a metal tool brought by European foreigners in the 1700’s. All tattooing at that point was done by hand, a tedious time-consuming process that was soon replaced by the first electronic tattooing machine. After an outbreak of several diseases due to poor sanitation, tattooing no longer appealed to the higher class. However in the 1900’s sanitation laws revolving around tattooing soon took affect and the overall popularity of tattooing among all began to reform. 

I agree with the author because I think as the quality and sanitation improved so did people’s perception of tattooing. The author gave a lot of historic evidence to support these claims so the accuracy was not questionable. The most common opposing position would be that traditional hand tattooing in tribal cultures has existed for years successfully and the significance of the pain and long hours is what makes a tattoo popular. Another argument could be that sanitation and quality has not improved in prison tattooing but still remains popular despite risks. 

Tattoos :popularity due to positive depiction in the media (second source)

the rock, athlete/ actor with tattoos

john mayer, musician with tattoos

Kosut, m. (2006). An ironic fad: the commodification and consumption of tattoos. Journal of popular culture, 39 (6), 1035-1048
The article An Ironic Fad explores the uprising of tattooing in American Culture, and how it rapidly became acknowledged as fine art. The media, specifically the entertainment industry is credited with reinvention the old critical view of tattoos and transforming it into a positive depiction. The author accredits three reasons besides media for the increase in popularity of tattooing, “the growth of the tattoo industry, and a new population of tattoo aficionados”. (Kosut 2006) Various types of celebrities that are notable role models showcase tattooing on their bodies; from actors, to athletes and even musicians. Our generation has become more susceptible to media influences which have allowed tattoos to flourish in popularity.
I agree with the author because as technology has increased it has enabled media advertising to improve and reach more Americans. The author uses several different scholarly books, newspaper reports, and journals from other notable professors, authors, and reporters. The author was very informative on the ethnographic methods and research she used to examine the upcoming trend of tattooing.

Tattoos: increase in tattoo parlors

Kennedy, B. (2010). In Tattoo Business, Profits are hardly skin deep. Daily Finance:
The news article discusses the business and finance aspects of tattooing and the increasing popularity of tattoos. The article displays statistics that show the number of tattoo parlors have increased steadily earning more than a billion dollars each year. As the increase in tattoo parlors across the nation has occurred, the price of tattoos has also gone up. By setting up tattoo parlors in both rich and poor societies the demographic has expanded to both men and women as well as a wider age range. The increased availability of tattoos has also enabled a higher rate of social acceptability among all different social classes in America. 

I agree with the claim that opening more tattoo parlors in both rich, poor and middle class societies has allowed the popularity to increase evenly. I am not sure of the accuracy of all the statistics because of unlisted sources. Therefore I would have to find the initial statistics to confirm the accuracy of the article’s data.

Tattoos :popularity due to positive depiction in the media & influx of trained tattooist

Rihanna, a singer whose tattoos are being showcased in this magazine above.

David Beckham, a soccer player who is frequently in the media for his tattoos.

Kat Von D, a tattooist with a popular tattoo show called LA ink

Browne, P. (2001). The Guide to United States Popular Culture. Wisconsin, USA.: The University of Wisconsin Press. 

In this book the author sets out to explore and explain the trends in America during the 20th century, including tattoos. The author underlines the media, specifically MTV as the first reason the “tattoo renaissance” occurred, and the second reason being the influx of trained, professional tattoo artists (Browne 2001). When Europeans discovered the importance of tattooing in other cultures the overall social view of tattooing changed and eventually climbed upward through the social ranks. Since the 1960’s the definition of a tattoo has changed and is now more formally recognized as an art form.

I agree with the author because the background information on the history of tattoos helps demonstrate the exact journey tattooing underwent to become popular. The author provides scholarly research to support the claims as well as personal opinions. The most common opposing position would be that tattoos by untrained tattooists are still popular in our society today.